Sunday, December 31, 2006
A deep blue starlit sky replaces the fading orange of the evening twi-light.A breeze blows through the field of thistle and uncut grass like the silent whistle of a muted harpy.The wind ruffles Oscar's feathers,but the raven remains silent.
Friday, December 29, 2006
"One does not need to be brave to hear that the rusted gate needs oil;only an open ear,"quotes Oscar.
Monday, December 25, 2006
The vision ends.Loyal is sitting under the oak tree,with the raven,Oscar,preaching above him.Oscar crows,"All of the elegant gloves in the world can not harvest wheat from the barren ground."
The sun is just set;the partly cloudy sky is glowing a radiant orange.Loyal glances up at Oscar and then picking up a small stone,he tosses it,"I am not a fool,Oscar.I know the moral of this Al-Yeshua lesson."
"But my job is to make sure you see the connections,"caws Oscar.
The sun is just set;the partly cloudy sky is glowing a radiant orange.Loyal glances up at Oscar and then picking up a small stone,he tosses it,"I am not a fool,Oscar.I know the moral of this Al-Yeshua lesson."
"But my job is to make sure you see the connections,"caws Oscar.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
In the fading memories of the dying Blade none can manifest the pure gold of precious memory as those of when he was a young pup.His life was at it's most comfortable and loving back then.It was only when he got separated from his human family and got lost in the woods forever that he had took control of his own destiny.But in his dying moments,it is that young pup that he truly envies.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Icicle,or Ice,as his pre-teenage female human calls him(so called because the young puppy loves putting his cold nose against her legs),loves his mother,Millie.He is the only pup the humans have kept.He is at the awkward age where he his wearing out his mother's abundant love.Where she used to crave his attention,now,she wearies of it,and her love wavers.Icicle sees this as wisdom on her part,and admires her more for it.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Millie can never be like Spirit,though she wants to be.She can not even acknowledge the thought of running away free like him.It would only give her panic attacks of being kicked out and of being left homeless.Yet,she admires him to death for his wiliness to bare the chain for the other moments of pure freedom.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Spirit admires Dealer.It is Spirit's belief that Dealer has the best of both worlds....and freedom.He is never chained up after being gone for days on end.It hurts Spirit to see Dealer exit out of the back of the yard while he can only tug at the end of his chain,and dream to be going with him.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Compared to Darkeye,Dealer is just a whisp of a pup.Smaller by half then Darkeye,Dealer has earned his name.He is crafty in the ways of both man and wild.But he has always wished he was more like his idol,Darkeye.Darkeye is a beast of passion-he took on King for crying out loud...and losing only made him wilder.Smarts were one thing...but to Dealer,the qualities of instinct and passion were so much more,and he lacked both.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Darkeye's fluent movements in the woods,or on the hunt,were just the reverse of his clumsiness around Greytail.It was like he was some alternate universe Darkeye when he was around her.He knew it was foolish of him to try to mate with her:especially with her being pregnant with King's pups,but he could not help himself.Even with the anguish of being banned from the pack..and forced to hunt with human strays,or worse,alone,he knew he would not be able stop himself from doing it again.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Greytail knows she is no mere ornament to the mighty King.After all she does carry his pups inside of her.And has he banished Darkeye for trying to mate with her.She digs in the cool clay and lays herself down.Oh,how she admires King.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
An orange beam of light goes straight up off the raising sun as Oscar caws 'The Tale Of The Tail':"King looks over at Blade.It is crystal clear to him though Blade is now very long of tooth,and his very days are numbered,that he-the mighty King-still envies him.
Blade had ruled the pack a long many years.King knows he should have killed him,but Blade still has wisdom that the young ruler can use.Blade is wounded and tired.King wishes,nay,hopes,he can last as long and lead as well as Blade has done.
Blade had ruled the pack a long many years.King knows he should have killed him,but Blade still has wisdom that the young ruler can use.Blade is wounded and tired.King wishes,nay,hopes,he can last as long and lead as well as Blade has done.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Somewhat later Loyal is emerged in his think bath.He is sitting under an oak tree on a warm summer morning at mid-twilight.In a branch slightly above him is his muse,a talking raven named Oscar,"What you are seeking,"crows Oscar,"Is not a linear history lesson,but more of a ancient story...a parable,if you will,we call this story,'The Tale of The Tail'.......... ".
Monday, November 27, 2006
"Father,Tipid is correct.No on loved Theophilus more then me...and...even though we have no idea who the VI are,should we just automatically keep going back again and again?"
"Your words of caution show your fear LMDC.Not only will I steep myself in a think bath,but I will acknowledge the books as well before we proceed,"Then putting his forehead to Timber's,"I feel you have bought us,at least,that much time."
"Your words of caution show your fear LMDC.Not only will I steep myself in a think bath,but I will acknowledge the books as well before we proceed,"Then putting his forehead to Timber's,"I feel you have bought us,at least,that much time."
Sunday, November 26, 2006
The gravity of the situation was not lost on Tipid,"We must not be rash in our decisions,Brave Loyal.This tragedy maybe the catalyst that leads to a lasting peace,or treaty of understanding."
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Loyal and LMDC look at each other.Who or what were The VI?
Suddenly,Timber arches up,hands spread out,and shouts,"Theophilus!Theophilus!'She clutches hold of Loyal and LMDC,"They,they gave me Theophilus' head in a basket."
Things were amiss.Theophilus was a pilot.You could not take him unawares.Right then and there,Loyal knows that he will find the answers-loop or no loop-even if he has to go to Hell and back to find them.
Suddenly,Timber arches up,hands spread out,and shouts,"Theophilus!Theophilus!'She clutches hold of Loyal and LMDC,"They,they gave me Theophilus' head in a basket."
Things were amiss.Theophilus was a pilot.You could not take him unawares.Right then and there,Loyal knows that he will find the answers-loop or no loop-even if he has to go to Hell and back to find them.
Monday, November 20, 2006
"Your head is going to twirl around with ideas and thoughts for an hour or so,"begins Loyal,"And it maybe days before your memory fully recovers...But,my dear Timber,are you coherent enough to tell us what happened aboard The Maid?"
"There were VI aboard,"She tilts her head as if having an earache,"But it is funny..I don't remember what VI are."
"There were VI aboard,"She tilts her head as if having an earache,"But it is funny..I don't remember what VI are."
Thursday, November 16, 2006
They lead Timber to a ground chair and have her sit.They put their foreheads together with her's.LMDC covers her with a comfort cloth,"I never had to do that before,"Timber says,rolling her head,"I am having a hard time keeping time seperate.There are two of LMDC weaving in and's so confusing."
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Loyal looks to LMDC,"The combination of having her atoms dispersed throughout the voice transmission is vastly different then walking through the doors.It is far more unsettling.She will have very limited memory of the past 48 hours.Now,knowing that,let's go welcome her."
Loyal helps LMDC to her feet and then they head to the room of transport.Suddenly,near the door,off to the side on a pad,there comes a mantra like hum,"Em,em,em,em,em,em,em,em,em,em,em."Wind wisps in a circular fashion becoming a tornado type whirlwind which instantly dissipates into the bulking form of the beautiful naked Timber.
Monday, November 13, 2006
"But why did she not just come through the door?"LMDC asks in desperate panic.
"The Maid blew up[a loud gasp from LMDC].Tipid says there is enough data to save her."
"The others...."
"It depends on how current their transmissions are.We will replicate them as best we can-if that was their will-but we have more important matters.I feel this time line is injured as well..."
...'And time heals all wounds,"mutters LMDC,"I understand."
"The Maid blew up[a loud gasp from LMDC].Tipid says there is enough data to save her."
"The others...."
"It depends on how current their transmissions are.We will replicate them as best we can-if that was their will-but we have more important matters.I feel this time line is injured as well..."
...'And time heals all wounds,"mutters LMDC,"I understand."
Sunday, November 12, 2006
"AAAaaaaH!"LMDC wakes with a start.She is having trouble catching her breath,panic striken,"Mother!?!Mother?!!"
Loyal rushes to her side.The Akron rumbles like it is being hit by an ocean wave and then settles down.She looks into Loyal's eyes,"Father,what has just happened?"
A duel image of LMDC seems to hover behind her.Fire seems to to shot out of this transparent double's hands:AT HIM.Loyal puts is forehead to hers,"Quiet,daugher,"and then he whispers to her,"Be brave,your mother is being brought abroad via voice signal."
Loyal rushes to her side.The Akron rumbles like it is being hit by an ocean wave and then settles down.She looks into Loyal's eyes,"Father,what has just happened?"
A duel image of LMDC seems to hover behind her.Fire seems to to shot out of this transparent double's hands:AT HIM.Loyal puts is forehead to hers,"Quiet,daugher,"and then he whispers to her,"Be brave,your mother is being brought abroad via voice signal."
Saturday, November 11, 2006
"No!"yells Loyal,pounding the window."No!"
"The explosion,"states Tipid calmly,"Was caused by a core breach to the cadillac converter.It appears that Timber knew this.She transported her owners code via the voice signal...That caused the voice glitch that we heard.We can retrieve her."
"The explosion,"states Tipid calmly,"Was caused by a core breach to the cadillac converter.It appears that Timber knew this.She transported her owners code via the voice signal...That caused the voice glitch that we heard.We can retrieve her."
Friday, November 10, 2006
As Loyal thinks these thoughts,he watches as the reflecting starlight illuminates the faraway starship.It is 'The Maid of Zarlingo'.It is Timber's ship,named after the nameless maid from the planet Zarlingo that hid Al -Yeshua in the hold of the escaping Macon.
Every youngling knows the story:"She is nameless,because she is every woman."
Tipid speaks,"There is an incoming message from 'The Maid'..."My Kindred,I had a dream which speaks to the holy trio.You must[unintelligible] go back and fix...."
Loyal smiles at Timber's voice.He is still smiling when the glow of 'The Maid' intensives and brightens and expands in the darkness of space.
Every youngling knows the story:"She is nameless,because she is every woman."
Tipid speaks,"There is an incoming message from 'The Maid'..."My Kindred,I had a dream which speaks to the holy trio.You must[unintelligible] go back and fix...."
Loyal smiles at Timber's voice.He is still smiling when the glow of 'The Maid' intensives and brightens and expands in the darkness of space.
Loyal knows that Timber will be very interested in their adventure into The Time Stream...and more then likely-now more then ever-want to meddle.He sighs.He knows instictively that that is the wrong thing to do.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Timber is coming back from her negotiations with the Hellions.Hell is one of the 'Three Planets'...Earth and Heaven being the other two....that are 'Untouchable'.
The negotiations had gotten off to a rocky start right from the beginning.If Timber could not have regrown her limbs,she would be handless,now...and that Satan breeder and his horde would still be around to gloat.
The negotiations had gotten off to a rocky start right from the beginning.If Timber could not have regrown her limbs,she would be handless,now...and that Satan breeder and his horde would still be around to gloat.
Timber is aboard this Starship.They are both Children of Keturah.He is a son.She is a daughter.He embraces their time of reflection.Naked,they will clasp their hands together,and raise them in worship as they touch foreheads,noses,lips,on down.Giving praise to Al-Yeshua always means more with her.
Monday, November 06, 2006
"We can go deeper,"states Tipid,"I believe she can handle it."
"Yes,but should we?Is it worth putting her through the trouble?We could just end up making matters worst."
"If you are afraid for her,THEY had a machine....Perhaps...if we go back,I can tap into myself,and learn how to construct one."
Loyal hesitates..."I am afraid of THIS machine on many levels." Out of the window Loyal sees a distant star that appears to be moving-the telltale sign of an incoming starship..."I am afraid we will create a LOOP."
"Yes,but should we?Is it worth putting her through the trouble?We could just end up making matters worst."
"If you are afraid for her,THEY had a machine....Perhaps...if we go back,I can tap into myself,and learn how to construct one."
Loyal hesitates..."I am afraid of THIS machine on many levels." Out of the window Loyal sees a distant star that appears to be moving-the telltale sign of an incoming starship..."I am afraid we will create a LOOP."
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Loyal,has the right to worry.Have they not just settled the Kettle Rebellion?Weren't there still raiders on the outskirts?Wasn't bureaucracy slowly destroying the Holy Empire from within?Yet,his inner self doubts he would have allowed such meddling unless there were something deeper-more drastic....but then that was the crutch wasn't it.He wasn't in charge there-they had had a King.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Like a flame suddenly put out,LMDC,Tipid and Loyal are back aboard The Akron,"She is asleep,"states Tipid as she raises her hands off the teenage girl and Loyal.
Loyal goes over to his daughter and puts his forehead against hers,"Sleep well,my French and Spanish daughter.We are Kindred,"He raises and turns to Tipid,"We caused this.How?"
I sensed machines.Something we are incapable of."
Loyal puts his hands behind his back and looks out the window,"We must have been desperate....I wonder...did we make things better or worse?"
Loyal goes over to his daughter and puts his forehead against hers,"Sleep well,my French and Spanish daughter.We are Kindred,"He raises and turns to Tipid,"We caused this.How?"
I sensed machines.Something we are incapable of."
Loyal puts his hands behind his back and looks out the window,"We must have been desperate....I wonder...did we make things better or worse?"
Thursday, November 02, 2006
The holy trinity watch the ancients as they talk,"Nik is going out on a date tonight with a poet named Alice."
"Really...Good for you,Nik.Where are you taking her?"
"Oh,"said Nik,biting into his sandwich,"I don't know,either Applebee's or the Outback Steakhouse."
Suddenly,between The woman and the elder man,a reflection-like that of something in the water-appears bridging the gap between them,"Oooh,"sighs LMDC weakly,her eyes widening,her knees buckling.
Loyal and Tipid both see what she sees.They both gasp.It is Tipid between the male and female.
"Really...Good for you,Nik.Where are you taking her?"
"Oh,"said Nik,biting into his sandwich,"I don't know,either Applebee's or the Outback Steakhouse."
Suddenly,between The woman and the elder man,a reflection-like that of something in the water-appears bridging the gap between them,"Oooh,"sighs LMDC weakly,her eyes widening,her knees buckling.
Loyal and Tipid both see what she sees.They both gasp.It is Tipid between the male and female.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
The older tree worker kisses the pretty woman and thanks her for bringing the food.
"This moment causes a disparate rift in time,"Loyal states holding his hands out like he is trapped inside of an invisible box,"We...."he pauses as if trying to hear a faint noise..."We..we had a King and Queen."
"This moment causes a disparate rift in time,"Loyal states holding his hands out like he is trapped inside of an invisible box,"We...."he pauses as if trying to hear a faint noise..."We..we had a King and Queen."
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Loyal,outstretching his arms,holds them back,each,still in the time stream up to their ankles.They watch as the two tree harvesters march back to their truck.Loyal sees a gleam.A shimmer.A sliver of fault in the time around them.
"Sssh,"he says,"This is where it happens.A car pulls up behind the truck.An attractive woman steps out carrying a paper bag of quickly purchased food.She throws a silver bundle to each man,"Here,"she says,"I thought you two might be hungry.A Whopper OK?"
"Sssh,"he says,"This is where it happens.A car pulls up behind the truck.An attractive woman steps out carrying a paper bag of quickly purchased food.She throws a silver bundle to each man,"Here,"she says,"I thought you two might be hungry.A Whopper OK?"
Monday, October 30, 2006
LMDC,Tipid and Loyal are in a phase induced by LMDC's gifts called ,'The Time Stream'.It is like the anti-now.They can not be seen or felt(for the most part-by most people).To traverse the stream you have to float or swim like a fish through it.But when you get close to your target(for that is what it is- a target),it is like getting closer and closer to shore and you have to brace yourself as you wade yourself through it.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
As seemingly spirits,they move closer as the man finishes sawing the stump.Walking towards the truck with a younger man,they listen as he speaks on the way to the vehicle,"Hello,"says the older man,"Auntie Em,Auntie Em,I don't think we are in Kansas anymore."
"Screw you,man.I know.I know."
"They are speaking English,"exclaims Tipid,"But I have no idea what they are saying."
"Screw you,man.I know.I know."
"They are speaking English,"exclaims Tipid,"But I have no idea what they are saying."
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
LMDC,Tipid,and Loyal are a holy trinity of timeline exploration.LMDC's natural abilities are channeled and shared via Tipid.And no one is as capable of reading timeline fluctuations as Loyal.It is more then being just fluent in history.Loyal can automatically tell-in ways he himself does not understand-how singularities can differ if,when and where they occur.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Now wavers.The Third Kingdom goes flashing by.So does the Spice Revolt,The Second Kingdom.The death and birth of Al-Yeshua.The Spreading,The Nuking of The '3'[Mecca/The Vatican & The Great Church];The Swarm Catastrophe,The Friendship Wars,The Grafting,The Expounding To Colonize,The Second American Civil War;The Elvis,The founding of Rockenrol{Things are getting tighter,now},The San San Earthquake,WWIII,The Iraqi-Hurricane Katrina-War,Bosnia,The Persian Gulf War.. the swirl stops...and starts moving forward...
Monday, October 23, 2006
Tipid places an open palm against LMDC's face and then grasps hands with Loyal,"We are Kindred,"she says,"We are Kindred,"chant both LMDC and Loyal back to the shadow woman.
"Let go of the now.There is no future.There is no past.All are one.Melt away the concept of time.Melt away the concept of self.You are 'I AM'.
"Let go of the now.There is no future.There is no past.All are one.Melt away the concept of time.Melt away the concept of self.You are 'I AM'.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
The chamber's door opens and Loyal walks in.Though he has a smile on his face,his eyes are showing deep concern,"French and Spanish,girl,"Loyal says,hugging her,"Are you OK?"
LMDC shakes her head,yes,nervously.
"This could be rough.Are you sure that you want to do this?"
"Yes,father,please,I have too."
"OK.Tipid,do what has to be done.Lumber,do not let us be disturbed."
LMDC shakes her head,yes,nervously.
"This could be rough.Are you sure that you want to do this?"
"Yes,father,please,I have too."
"OK.Tipid,do what has to be done.Lumber,do not let us be disturbed."
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
"Loyal is still at the Al-Yeshua ritual,"proclaimed Lumber in her usual foreboding tone,"But I have asterisked and highlighted his link and he will be here shortly."
"Will you read me,Tipid?"
"I am sure your father will want me to,but I will not do so until I am told.You are the 'Time Sensitive'.There is danger in going too deep.I will need your father to ride with me."
"Will you read me,Tipid?"
"I am sure your father will want me to,but I will not do so until I am told.You are the 'Time Sensitive'.There is danger in going too deep.I will need your father to ride with me."
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
"So,then,do we go to SR-090?"
"Look around;Sheba is dead,Loyal is dying,we are betrayed,about to be re-boarded,and Am's fleet is gone....Tipid.Can you make the SL-D2 work?"
*There is an explosion that rocks the ship.*
"Yes-there is an 89% assurance that I can succeed."
"Then get lost."
"We are Kindred."
"Yes,we are Kindred,rockenrol."
"Rockenrol,"and with that,Tipid vanishes.
"Look around;Sheba is dead,Loyal is dying,we are betrayed,about to be re-boarded,and Am's fleet is gone....Tipid.Can you make the SL-D2 work?"
*There is an explosion that rocks the ship.*
"Yes-there is an 89% assurance that I can succeed."
"Then get lost."
"We are Kindred."
"Yes,we are Kindred,rockenrol."
"Rockenrol,"and with that,Tipid vanishes.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
"He did not die,"answers Tipid,"Nor,in fact,even get hurt.But he is not,I believe,still with Katrina."
Etiti sooths his hands over Loyal,"What does that mean?Is he the one or not?"
Lumber,who is encasing LMDC,states,"He is in SL-D2.There could only be the other in SR-090."
"It is,"whispers Loyal in a painful moan,"Another sticky wicket that we have gotten ourselves into."
Etiti sooths his hands over Loyal,"What does that mean?Is he the one or not?"
Lumber,who is encasing LMDC,states,"He is in SL-D2.There could only be the other in SR-090."
"It is,"whispers Loyal in a painful moan,"Another sticky wicket that we have gotten ourselves into."
Saturday, October 14, 2006
"She is 'VI',"Tipid says lifting her hand from LMDC's body,"And the Queen 'is' dead.I do not believe she killed her,though her 'E-M Log' does not go back far enough to confirm this."
Etiti looks around.They have withstood the breach...actually,LMDC's errant shot had destroyed the receiver,"Well,I guess Loyal finally found his spy.Damn her."
He sighs,"Tipid,mission accomplished?"
Etiti looks around.They have withstood the breach...actually,LMDC's errant shot had destroyed the receiver,"Well,I guess Loyal finally found his spy.Damn her."
He sighs,"Tipid,mission accomplished?"
Friday, October 13, 2006
You fire at your father and he goes up in flames.You feel strong arms across your chest.You feel and hear your own ribs crack.Your heat is strickly internal.You are losing consciousness,but you are glad.You got your retribution.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
You do not hide your supercilious feelings as you see Etiti.Actual flames erupt in your eyes.With both arms you fire at him:and miss.Both vapourize demons on either side of him.
You curse your luck and get ready to aim again when Loyal shouts to you,"You are supposed to be protecting the Queen.Why are you not at your post?"
"The Queen is dead," you sneer,"And so are you."
You curse your luck and get ready to aim again when Loyal shouts to you,"You are supposed to be protecting the Queen.Why are you not at your post?"
"The Queen is dead," you sneer,"And so are you."
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
You are in no hurry to walk through 'The Door' over to the insanity on The Akron,but Etiti is over there(probably fighting toe to toe with Loyal-you don't want to see him either...but for different reasons).You know you will probably die there,but you will live long enough to see it on their faces.They will know that it was you that brought down the mighty AM.
Monday, October 09, 2006
...Meanwhile,high above the Earth-3,000 years into the future....You lookout through the window of the flagship,'FEM-Greystroke'.It is an exhilarating sight.Satan ships are everywhere.AM's fleet is destroyed.The mothership,'The Macon III ' lay still,and'The Akron' is about to be boarded.
You look inward.Queen Sheba lay dead,some sort of metal rod going through her Cheater helmet.And AM,the mighty AM,is about to loose even more.You will see to that.
You look inward.Queen Sheba lay dead,some sort of metal rod going through her Cheater helmet.And AM,the mighty AM,is about to loose even more.You will see to that.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
Underwater,the deeper you go,the more force-or pressure-you have pushing against you.In a sideways sort of way,it is the same cutting through a stump.As the blade cuts wood,there is more force exerted against the saw blade.In other words,the emptiness left behind by the cutting action is replaced by the now displaced weight of the stump.
A good way to counter act this is by using little bits and pieces of the bark,and placing them as supports where the blade has left no support.
A good way to counter act this is by using little bits and pieces of the bark,and placing them as supports where the blade has left no support.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
The sharpened blade was kicking out a stream of sawdust that seemed to gleam like an effulgent spray of a thousand jewels in the bellowing sunlight.Not to many people recognized this joy.Fewer still,knew that they even saw it.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
I moved the wedge a little in one direction and pounded against it.This unpinched the tree trunk just enough for the (luckily undamaged)saw to pop free.
Nikolas smiled in awe and amazement,"Man,you know your stuff.Thank you."
"Yes,I do,"I replied,"And did you know that the root of the sassafras tree makes a lovely tea."
Nikolas smiled in awe and amazement,"Man,you know your stuff.Thank you."
"Yes,I do,"I replied,"And did you know that the root of the sassafras tree makes a lovely tea."
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
"Sorry,man,"Nikolas said to me,"I didn't think that would happen."
"Don't worry about it,Nik,"I replied,"Just remember the words of the great prophet,'Anonymous'whom said,"Shit happens."
"Don't worry about it,Nik,"I replied,"Just remember the words of the great prophet,'Anonymous'whom said,"Shit happens."
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Nik,not thinking I was funny,let the stuck saw drop from his hands.
"I,the oracle of all things chainsaw,know that you must simply place a wedge,here,and then you smack it with a mallet,here."
"or perhaps I need to place it here."
"OK,"I said,"This might take just a tad more work."
"I,the oracle of all things chainsaw,know that you must simply place a wedge,here,and then you smack it with a mallet,here."
"or perhaps I need to place it here."
"OK,"I said,"This might take just a tad more work."
Monday, September 25, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
A novel approach to releasing a chainsaw pinched on top of a trunk is to jump up on the tree and bounce your weight up and down.This sometimes relieves the pressure put upon it.There was no such trick when it was pinched on the bottom.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Tree Trimmers,by rote,are practitioners of realistic-transcendentalism:Your saw will always run out of gas just before you finish your last cut.The supervisor will always come out when you are fucking off.Your rope will always get caught on the interfering limb you decided not to cut out,and a newbie will always get is his chain saw pinched:"Shit," yelled Nikolas.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
I fought with the knot long and hard.I only managed to free it just as Nik was coming back sharpened,gassed and oiled.Cutting a big truck up could be tricky.If you could elevate a section off the ground(or if one was already elevated),you started with that,cutting top to bottom(well,maybe a small undercut.first).If both ends were touching the ground,you always cut from bottom-up.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
If we were at the waystation-gabbing it up-many a story would be told about fallen trees and terrible stumps.About pinched saws and tripping over the branches.While it was mostly,blah,blah,blah,blah,blah(the same old stories over and over again),you could learn new things.One of the oldest stories was about the pull knot that would not untie..yep,this was one of them.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
"Odious,man,"Nikolas stated as he looked down at the remaining stump.It had a giant crevice running through the middle of it.Dirt,rock filled most of it.Suddenly,I wondered the ethereal difference:was it luck or skill that got the tree down safely?Well,my consolation was that it is said that a good team makes their own luck.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
"Good job,man,"I said,touching fists with Nik,"All we have to do,now,is cut this shit up,and you can go home to get ready for your date with Alice."
"Man that felt soo good,it was almost decadent-I slammed the bitch,"Nik said with excitement,"Man,what a rush!"
"Well,"I said,putting my hands up in quotation marks,"If you 'rush',we can get the hell out of here.....You need to sharpen the saw,first."
"Man that felt soo good,it was almost decadent-I slammed the bitch,"Nik said with excitement,"Man,what a rush!"
"Well,"I said,putting my hands up in quotation marks,"If you 'rush',we can get the hell out of here.....You need to sharpen the saw,first."
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
In the end,I did little pulling.It went where we wanted it to go on it's own.It slammed to the ground.I flipped the rope(more out of instinct then anything else),then braced myself as the inevitable gush of wind slapped against me.
"Fuckin' 'Vitreous,Mom!"Yelled Nik reggae style-excited about what he had just done.It was just another nonsense mispronounced word or phrase that had somehow caught on into our work vocabulary....Like,'Skovie';'Yella handed stewed dhwyvva' and of course,'No Gondo'.
"Fuckin' 'Vitreous,Mom!"Yelled Nik reggae style-excited about what he had just done.It was just another nonsense mispronounced word or phrase that had somehow caught on into our work vocabulary....Like,'Skovie';'Yella handed stewed dhwyvva' and of course,'No Gondo'.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I quickly looked over the teeth of the saw.While not as sharp as I would have liked,the dullness would actually slow the cutting down enough that I would not have to worry about Nik hammering at it too hard.What some people called life experience,I called the magick of fucking up religiously.
Monday, September 04, 2006
I had no Quixotic aspirations.I didn't chase windmills...they chased me.I had no intentions on being the hero here.The secret was not in the cut-any idiot paying half attention could do it-it was in the pull,"This is your baby,Nik.Cut about a half inch above your bottom cut.And cut to the right:slowly.Leave the left alone.When you feel it start to go:stop cutting,and get the hell out of Dodge."
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Friday, September 01, 2006
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Nik turned off the chainsaw and threw his earmuffs down,"It was cutting like a raped ape,then suddenly it was dullar then a small town on a Tuesday night,"he said holding up the saw.I walked to the tree.The inside was hollow with a detritus of rocks,nuts and thick soil.The left side was thin and didn't look like it would hold.Shit!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Most trees were kind,passive beings,but every once in awhile you would cross a disingenuous soul so dark that you would actually believe that the tree was fighting you as you tried to cut it off from it's very literal root.As Nik finished his top cut,the wedge popped out too easily...Utt Ooh..trouble.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
Another reason to have a sharpened chainsaw was because I've seen too many things inside of a tree trunk that could make them go duller then a small town on a Tuesday night.Ice,nails,fence wire,golf balls,an old pirate ship,complete with a barnacle or two.Hell,'my own' chain had even caught squirrel tails,bird feathers and a colony of ants soo thick that it looked like water pouring out from the stump.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
In the time it took Nik to finish sharpening the saw,I openned the truck door,reached into my McDonald's bag,and finished the other half of my Big Mac.I just as quickly drank down the rest of my now luke-warm Coca~Cola.I offered Nik the rest of my fries.I didn't stay around to watch him scarf them down.I simply took the sledge and wedge,put them by the edge of the tree and grabbed the pull rope.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
"It's just cheesybread comments like that that make me think how bad war must really be,"Nik said,flipping the file around to the teeth on the other side of the blade.The file slipped and he took a slice out of his finger,"Ouch,"Nik said first shaking his finger then sucking on it ,"Seems like dumb shit to me."
Monday, August 21, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
"How the hell you ever start drinking that pirate concoction anyway,Nik?" "My cousin,Dave,"he said,"Lost half his leg in Iraq.They gave him this fake leg.He calls it his 'Pretibial Peg Leg Ass Kicker'.We'd sit around his camp fire on his back patio and drink 'um.Dave says they ain't real flips unless you stick a hot poker in 'um just before you drink 'em."
Saturday, August 19, 2006
"Soooo,"I said,as we reached my pick up truck,"Are you going to be drinking any of your grok with Alice tonight?"Nik grabbed the files and turned to me,"First off,Drew,it's 'Grog',and it's a pussy's drink...just watered down rum.I drink 'Flips'...dark beer,rum and molasses.It's what real pirates drank.It's what I drink."A smile crept upon his face,"But yes,'WE' might be drinking some."
Friday, August 18, 2006
In tree work,you rise through the ranks by starting off as a 'ground man'(an empty headed vacuous lout).As you gain knowledge,you work your way through the alphabet from 'D'
man-all the way up to 'A'(a super duper tree man).On paper,an 'A' man should be able to do everything.But very few men ever reach every stage of 'A'-ness.In fact,you can be an 'A',in say,knot tying,but still a 'B' or 'C' in saw cutting.Few trimmers ever become an all out-flow blown 'A'man' in every aspect of their game.
man-all the way up to 'A'(a super duper tree man).On paper,an 'A' man should be able to do everything.But very few men ever reach every stage of 'A'-ness.In fact,you can be an 'A',in say,knot tying,but still a 'B' or 'C' in saw cutting.Few trimmers ever become an all out-flow blown 'A'man' in every aspect of their game.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
"All gassed and oiled,Chief,"Nikolas said handing me the big chainsaw."Whoa,my Padawan learner,how sharp is she?"I asked,knowing full well the answer."I didn't hit anything with it,"he replied.I handed it back to him,"Well,then you notch and flop it,I'll pull the rope.""Uhm,Maybe I should sharpen it first,"He said,walking back to the truck."I smiled,it didn't pay to let them get too docile on you in the tree business
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
I put the coiled rope between my legs,made a few quick wraps and finished by making a slip-knot and tightening it.I threw it by the large trunk that I had just fell.The center,while hallow,was not empty.It was filled with a detritus of rotting wood,dirt,and bugs.It crumbled in my gloved hand.Huh,it was like soil from twelve feet above ground.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I noticed that Nik had stopped working while I was coiling up my rope...probably thinking about this Alice girl.I didn't want Nik to think I would 'mollycoddle' to him just because I liked him,"Yoh,homey,are you going to read haikus all day or are you gonna get back to work?"He stuffed his letter back into his pant's pocket.
"So,does this girl have a name?"I asked rappelling down to the ground."Uh,"Nik said pulling out a crumbled up piece of paper from his pocket,"It says,'SBS haiku':
'Osquer sits under
her own faery tree wishing
upon shooting stars'
No,wait,"he flipped the paper over,"It says her name is ,Alice."
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Tofurky(Just for SBS)
"What?"I said,wiping the sweat from my brow,"Please,don't tell me that she eats tofurky,and voted for Dennis Kucinich?">"No,man,she's nothing like that.She likes Jethro Tull,and is into poetry.">"Dam tree huggers,"I said,smiling.
The trunk came crashing to the ground harder then a Russian on too much vodka.It busted up a dead branch and sent a piece flying over Nikolas'head."Headache!"I yelled as it whizzed pass him."Hey!watch it,"He yelped,"I've got this blind date with this Aquarius tonight,and her horoscope says she's gonna get lucky."
Friday, August 11, 2006
Determinedly,I started to cut the rest of the bastard off with my speedsaw.The quick sliver movement of my blade made me think of the old 'Rainbow',tune,'The Man On The Sliver Mountain'.I half sang/half yelled it while I pounded my way through the rest of the massive log,<"I'm the day,I'm the day.I can show you the way.And look I'm right beside you.I'm the night,I'm the night.I'm the dark and the light.With eyes that see inside you.Come down with fire.Lift my spirit higher.Someone's screaming my name.Come and make me holy again.I'm the man on the sliver mountain">.***Crrrraaack***Bang!PoP! She busted free!And began her descent
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Nik knew enough not to get under me while I was cutting.Any damage I would cause to the lawn was o-k'ed before hand by the owner,so that was not a problem.I was down to the last big piece of trunk.I quickly put my notch into the front;then I started my backcut.*SPRIIING*!Damn it!Two thirds through,my chain decided to pop off.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
Meanwhile,I had positioned myself perfectly in the tree to start hammering it.The shit was gonna fly,now.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Friday, August 04, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Retreat to Sanity
Monday, July 24, 2006
Unto A Captive Audience
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006

I*sighed*.While I did not consider myself to be an old sage,I definitely thought of myself as an'old school' thinker.Within the past decade,tree equipment technology had advanced leaps and bounds.I had tried most of it,and,it was easier...yet,I just felt more comfortable and at home with my older stuff.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Another song written by Nik on'The Cranberry Toes' playlist was a tune called ,'Wear wolf'.<"She only shopped by moonlight/in the hottness of the day/hunting for a bargin/keeping the hunger at bay/Aaah Ooooh she is the wear wolf/aaah Oooo look how much I saved/shopping like a corperate raider/forgetting the lay-a-way/bought the blouse at half price/look how little I paid/Aah Oooh aaaa aaah aaaH chew!">I was only half aware that I was tying a limb to be off roped.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
I quickly learned how Nik could really astonish me with his wit and wisdom.He created a song about Vic Morrow called, 'Vic Doesn't Wear Hats Now' that just blew me away.It went,"Vic doesn't wear hats now/He just doesn't use 'em/Vic doesn't wear hats now/He just doesn't need 'em/Vic,[there's no to] Morrow/Vic[There's no to]Morrow!'.I loved it,and now found myself singing it up in the trees.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Nik was both the(left handed) bassist for his band and the lead singer,but he was not the main writer for the group.He wanted to change that.I encouraged him to let his mind become more open to the poetry already contained within his brain.Very quickly Nikolas became less and less frugal with his lyrics and form,and was singing his new material to me all the time.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Toes, Cranberry, Keys, Wedding, Smile, Letter Opener
I had to smile.Nikolas was in a punk rock group called,'The Cranberry Toes'.One time,while I was with Nik,I had used my keys as a letter opener on a wedding invitation.It was from one of our tree buddies named Oscar.Oscar had wanted Nik's band to play at his reception,but only if they knew some polkas.So,I taught him some.That was when he started singing out loud at work.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
In answer to my song I heard Nikolas reply with his own>"Phantasmagoria-Ga-ga-Ga-Gloria-Seeing things-in the clouds/Reverting-vertigo-upside down/RonaldMcDonald'sClown/flyingSupermanThroughTown/Daa da da da daa/Daa da da da daa/Phantasmagoria-Ga-ga-Ga-Gloria.">Sometimes,I didn't know why I encouraged him.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
I plopped the bowline down well beyond the crotch,and it fell almost directly to me.I hooked it with my speedsaw,and brought it into me to untie.">Ready to go, willin' to stay and pay U.S.A., U.S.A.So my sweet love can dance another free day U.S.A., U.S.A.<"I found myself happily singing my little ditty again.
Monday, July 03, 2006
I lopped the end of my rope with the bowline over the end of my pruner.The idea was to poke it up through the 'better' crotch above me,and handle all of my roping work from there.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
[As I made a quick bowline at the end of my rope.]I swear I am easy to entertain.I know that the silver maple is called a silver because of the sheen of the underside of it's leaves,but I couldn't help but chuckle at my own stupid thoughts,anyway.Was the silver maple called a silver because it was a second rate maple tree?If so,then why wasn't there a golden maple?There were red maples,norway maples,japanese,papermark,and of course sugar maples.They all either glowed orange or 'golden' in the autumn...Maple syrup was sometimes called why isn't there a golden maple tree?
Friday, June 30, 2006
But next to the weeping willow this silver maple was going to be a blast.Maple is the perfect cutting wood.I hung my pruner up on a sucker,snapped my saw onto a side ring,and with a quick release knot,attacked my pull line.Whoot-whoo! I was ready to go!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
[Thanks to Osquer for this One Word]In some trees,like the weeping willow,you have to be more flexible then you have to be in other trees.A weeping willow can wrap you up in her lover's embrace and then suddenly before you know it,you are all tangled up in her spell.Without warning:*snap* you had better be able to bend to her will.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
To be a good tree trimmer,sometimes you have to take chances.You have to walk too far out on a limb.You have to cut off too much.You have to rope too close.It is what makes or breaks you.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I loved Buster Keaton.I marveled at the risks he took for his the falling house scene,where the whole side of the house falls down around him-only to miss him because he is standing directly under the spot of an empty window pane.That bit of genius inspired me to do as much for my art-tree trimming.
Monday, June 26, 2006
He tugged twice on my rope to let me know that everything was tied on.I started yanking the bobbing heavy equipment up to me.It always felt like an old black and white 'Buster Keaton' comedy sketch to me somehow.'watch the clumsy guy almost drop the funny tools on the bumbling man's head.'
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Finally,Nikolas tied the pull rope onto my line.To distinguish between the two ropes,I had put green electrical tape on the end of my rope and Blue-now faded to purple-tape onto the other.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
I watched as Nik quickly primed my saw,turned it off and then tied it onto my rope.Though Nikolas had black hair,ever since the incident,I came to sometimes calling him 'James Blonde agent 008'.He would always reply,"You are what you ate."
Thursday, June 22, 2006
"It's funny,"Nik would comment later,"Once I knew it was there,it was all I could see.How could it have been so obscure?""Well,"I countered,"you only had it 'two years'!"
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
In fact,until that moment,he did not know his name was contained within the tribal markings of the tattoo."Don't take it as an insult,"I remember drunkenly stating,"I never saw it either."
Yet for all his youth,vigor,and handsome good looks,Nikolas could be simple and shy around people of certain moods.I laughed,and still laugh at how flushed his face became the time Kat gracefully touched his tattoo and explained how absolutely wonderful she thought it was to have his own name spelled out on his own arm.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Nikolas ambled along at an easy gait carrying my tree saw,pole prunner and pull rope.He was 24, 6'2"tall,thin,but muscular with a dark golden tan.He wore a sleeveless,ripped to below his rib cage t-shirt.He had long black hair and a slightly
big,native American looking nose.He had a black tribal design tattoo wrapped
around his left forearm.And he was a happy lad.
big,native American looking nose.He had a black tribal design tattoo wrapped
around his left forearm.And he was a happy lad.
Monday, June 19, 2006
I heard someone else singing their own happy song,<"It's so gosh darn urgent,urgent,emergency,urgent,urgent,urgent,emergency.">It was Nikolas bringing me my equipment singing his own happy version of,"Hi-Ho."
Sunday, June 18, 2006
<"Ain't getting old,ain't getting younger thoughJust getting used to the lay of the land.I ain't tongue-tied,just don't got nothin' to sayI'm proud to be livin' in the U.S.A.">,It was the little ditty I always sang joyously after I tied in.It never failed to lift my spirits
Saturday, June 17, 2006
I tossed my rope over the main crotch and brought it through both of my 'D' rings.I tied two half hitches.I took the tail,and wrapped it around the other end of my climbing line twice under and then twice over.I only had to punch it through the hole,lean back and tighten it,and wallah-the taunt line hitch was tight and I was tied in.
Friday, June 16, 2006
I still was not tied in,but the rope that had looped itself around the small branch had popped itself free.All the while,I marveled at the cloud face.It's right eye was a perfect circle.The left eye-winking brilliantly through the moving wisps of cloud vapor-was the sun.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
But still,I looked up.The clouds were making faces at me.One was the most amazing I have ever seen.The face was in a couple of clouds floating together.The top,two eyes.The bottom the happinest of smiles.But that wasn't the most amazing part..My jaw appeared to be winking at me;-)
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
The rest of the climb to the top of the sixty five foot silver maple was uneventful.I looked down.Yes,I was a long way up.But it did not bother me(anything over fifteen feet would probably kill me,anyway).It was the looking up at the vast emptiness of the endless sky that bothered me.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
After my breather I set my self back to the task at hand.I wrapped my buckstrap around the left trunk,set my gaff,and pushed myself onward and upward.
Monday, June 12, 2006
I scampered up the crotch.I felt most comfortable in it.As I caught my breath,I looked around,and smiled.This was a beautiful area.I felt exuberant,and glad to be alive.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
As I struggled up,my grasp began to give way.The bark ripped.I began to fall.Panic driven,I pushed myself higher with my muscular thigh.I had to laugh.I landed with my face directly in the crotch.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
I drove my right spur in up even higher.As to taunt me,the two parts of the 'V' sprouted out wider at their bases.There would be no 'top' until I cleared it-only under.I took my gloves off and stuffed them in my belt.I grabbed hold(clawed) into the bark and heaved.
Friday, June 09, 2006
I took a deep heavy sigh to gain my courage.Maybe the rope wrapping around that small limb was a sign.I wasted what,five,ten minutes trying to do this the safe way?I replanted my left gaff,and unhooked my buckstrap:'Death or Glory'[becomes just another story].
Thursday, June 08, 2006
It took the usual several throws for me to get the rope back through the crotch.But again,it looped around the small branch.This time,however,it wrapped around it so tightly that there was no getting it off.Damn it.I guess I was gonna have to free climb this bastard afterall!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
After three more throws,the ball fell through the crotch and proceeded to wrap itself around a new growth tiny little twig.I whipped some extra rope up to it,once,twice,and it loosened and fell.Now,if I yanked it just right,it would clear the limb,but not the crotch.'YANK!"Zoooom-it was off the limb and it was gone.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Pussy!?!Guilty as charged.Here I was throwing my rope twenty feet in the air,just so I would be tied in(or,at least having 'something' wrapped around the tree,somewhere)even when I was wearing spurs!But who gave a shit.I know other guys would have just hiked themselves over this dangerous obstruction,but,damn it,I'm not falling for nobody.
Monday, June 05, 2006
The monkey ball hit off the left trunk and bounced away from the crotch.I watched it as it fell helplessly down past me."Damn,it,"I cursed in a cross tone.
I brought the rope between my legs,made a few small coils,and gave myself some slack.Positioning was everything.I would either make it on the first throw,or it would take forever.After three or four practice movements,I tossed it high-almost twenty feet-it sailed well over the crotch that I was aiming for.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
One of the main reasons I enjoyed tree trimming was the noise.The clanking of my equipment always made me feel like an army commando,or navy seal.This imaginary imagery also made me begin to think like one.I already had a stealthy plan on how to attack this tree.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
After all,it wasn't Katrina I was really forgiving,was it?It was myself.I shook my head,letting it roll across my shoulders a couple of times.Crying time was over...I had reached the large 'V' in the tree.
Thank 'God' for Jesus Christ.He was my easy silence.He was not so much interested in justice as he was in mercy,"When someone takes your overcoat-give him your jacket as well.How many times should you forgive someone-seven times?Nay,seventy times seven times."This brought back the pain.I forced myself to forgive Kat...again.And with it came the calming peace.
I took a deep heavy sign.How much had I lost adhering unnecessarily to my freakin' principles?Big things like,'not fucking before marriage',to little things like,'always stirring my fuckin' cocoa clockwise'.Good laws to go by, for sure,but....I started back to climbing.
One of the first warm breezes of spring splashed across my face.I leaned back in my buckstrap not so much as to enjoy it,but to be absorbed by it.That dumb branch had caused me to put yet another small wrinkle into the very fabric of my religious beliefs,"The law was made for man,not man for the law,"kept repeating in my brain.Most Certainly True.
There where many such moments in the life of a tree trimmer.Death or injury just moments away.But it was stupid really.I was taking down this tree.I didn't have to remove that dead limb.I shook my head and continued to climb.If I continued to base my tree trimming skills on my stupid principles,I was going to get myself killed someday.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Without sucker,flower nor petal,I knew the stub to be dead.Still it snapping off so easily sent me doing a pirouette onto my left gaff,scaring me half to death and making my heart pound out of my chest.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Very few trees were without a blemish,weak spot or flaw.A tree trimmer could always find a reason to trim an otherwise healthy tree.Interfering limbs were automatically removed on principle.Therefore,I didn't think twice about removing the dead stub so evilly in my way.I placed my palm against the end of it and pushed..."snap!"
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I came to my first branch(a stub,actually).I had to unsnap my buckstrap,throw it over the obstruction;then hook myself back in.Though I have climbed for over 15 years,I still hated dangling from spurs,even if it was from only twenty feet up[wuss].
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
There is a maxim in tree work for when you are not tied in:always have three points of reference.In other words,always have either two hands and one foot,or two feet and one hand on the tree at all times.This way,if a branch you are holding on to,or a limb you are stepping out on breaks,you still have something to latch on to.
Monday, May 22, 2006
I simply climbed in circles following the ridge,or(in my own mind-personifying the tree),what I considered the'backbone'of the beast.Wild cherries were the worst,but these silver maples could be their own white whales.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
It is very unnerving hanging under a tree while trying to spur up it.It is easier to climb up on the top part of the tree and follow it's lean.If this is not possible,you should,at least,try to become plumb to the ground.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Me,though,I preferred to climb.I liked the feel of my (usually gloved)fingers against the rich embroidery of the bark of an ash or walnut tree.I liked the feel of my grip in the grooves of a locust or elm.I felt alive clinging to something else as alive as myself.
Friday, May 19, 2006
The main religion of most tree trimmers today is what I call the cult of the 'bucket-babies'.Not tree climbers at all.They work with trees for years and don't even know how to tie a tauntline.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
The silver maple isn't majestic like a black oak or a shag bark hickory.It doesn't have the sweet fragrance of a tulip poplar or a bitter scent like a weeping willow.In fact,it doesn't even have the beauty of it's cousins the sugar and norway maples.It is more of a weed then anything else.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
So,spurring up a takedown was a slick trick.I dug my gaffs in so deep that the bark pulled out with them.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
You see,I was never truly comfortable in a tree until I was 'tied in'.But,in stark contrast to being tied in,what held me onto a tree the most when I wasn't,was prue fear.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
The best part about doing a takedown is that you don't have to pull yourself up.You can use your spurs.
Friday, May 12, 2006
There were no two ways about it.I uncoiled my rope,tossed it to the trunk,and tied the end of it to my saddle.
The Good:the lean was such that I could drop the tree right in the front yard.The Bad:the triplex service wire ran right through the center of the tree.The Ugly:Instead of flopping it with one cut-I was gonna have to climb it.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
It's girth was big enough to fill up the whole front yard.I hugged it,trying to find it's lean.
Monday, May 08, 2006
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