Sunday, July 02, 2006


[As I made a quick bowline at the end of my rope.]I swear I am easy to entertain.I know that the silver maple is called a silver because of the sheen of the underside of it's leaves,but I couldn't help but chuckle at my own stupid thoughts,anyway.Was the silver maple called a silver because it was a second rate maple tree?If so,then why wasn't there a golden maple?There were red maples,norway maples,japanese,papermark,and of course sugar maples.They all either glowed orange or 'golden' in the autumn...Maple syrup was sometimes called why isn't there a golden maple tree?


Osquer said...

"All on a golden afternoon..."

Osquer said...

P.S. I love sugar maples. We had them all around my high school, those and northern pin oaks.

Sam Spade said...

"All the young girls love Alice...pretty young Alice,they say..."I love sugar maples,too.I feel they are the perfect tree.I have tasted the frozen icicles of freshly cut sugar maple limbs as their wounds bled on a cold Feburary day..very cool and refreshing.
You can keep pine oaks.They have a mind of their own and will fight you all the way.Though I do have very found memories of climbing a sixty foot one with my brothers,cousins and neighbors when I was very young.